So, what in the heck is “advanced yoga” anyway? Does it mean you can touch your feet to your head? Or, balance your entire body on just your fingertips? Is it when you can do an inversion in the middle of the room, away from the wall?
Well, yes… and not quite.
I entitled this...
I’m going to tell you something this week that most yoga teachers are not going to tell you. Being a yoga teacher is tough.
I know it seems like a dream job. Yoga all day. Your work uniform is cute leggings. And, it’s all about peace, love, and breath work.
But, it’s so much...
I always wanted to create and hold workshops. I knew this way back before I even became a yoga instructor.
You see, I loved taking workshops. I loved being surrounded by other people that loved to learn more about what they love.
And, I loved the way I felt after a workshop. They always revved up...
For the first decade of my career as a yoga instructor, I took a ton of workshops and trainings. I would drive for hours or hop on a plane to sit, sometimes uncomfortably, in the back of a studio, not knowing a soul in that particular community, all in the name of soaking up as much info about...
This week I had a conversation that changed my life.
You know when you have one of those moments that brings you a sense of clarity you realized you did not have before? No matter how many times you sat in meditation or stepped on your yoga mat?
Maybe you don’t. Or, maybe you know exactly...
I know for many of you, you are surprised at my change of heart when it comes to the twenty-six and two sequence. When we first went into quarantine I had quite a few messages with questions asking when would I be adding the class to my online schedule. And, I had to be honest: I’m not.
Do you love Boat Pose like I do? No?
Don’t worry, I haven’t had anyone tell me they love when I instruct to move into Boat Pose, or Navasana… yet.
But, maybe there’s someone out there that is keeping their love of Boat to dull roar because everyone around them in their...
Most of my students come from a Bikram Yoga background. They sweated it out for years and then decided that there must be more to this yoga thing… and they’re right.
And, one of the more common postures you’ll find everywhere else in the yoga world and in yoga classes is...
I was dripping with sweat and already feeling the sore creeping into my muscles from the class. Honestly, I felt more than weary… I was physically done.
“How long have we been at this?” I thought as I glanced at the clock.
Shockingly we’d been moving through this intense...
This weekend I was in the middle of a rigorous handstand practice when I had one of the worst falls I’ve ever had while on my yoga mat.
It came out of nowhere, it seemed. One moment I was walking into handstand alignment, chest facing the wall, feet on the wall and walking one hand in...
It is a rare week as a yoga instructor when you don’t have a student point to the side of their butt and declare, “This hurts!” or “Why am I so sore, right here?” before or after class.
Ah, the piriformis muscle (which is what they were pointing to). It can get a...
“Interlace your fingers, release your index fingers, thumbs crossed."
You’ve heard these words more times than you can count if you’ve had any kind of regular yoga practice. But, other than this being an effective way to grip your hands in a deep Crescent Lunge, or a super...