What I wish every 40+ woman knew about yoga…
Jun 23, 2024It’s not just you. The way your body shifts in your midlife years is real.
And, one thing that has really helped me drop my perimenopause weight gain over the past couple of months was paying attention to the activities that raise my cortisol levels (the stress hormone in your body) and those that don’t.
This is why you can run miles and miles, or sit on your stationary bike rocking to tunes with your online instructor for hours, and still not lose an ounce when you are in the beginning stages of perimenopause.
The activities that brought you the results you wanted in the past, just don't work as well as they did before.
Because if you're stressed out beyond belief, you need to find ways to settle into your Self.
And, at this stage of the game, it’s about finally working WITH your body and treating it with kindness. ✨
So, yoga, when practiced in a way that you incorporate strength training through arm balances and inversions, as well as, mobility and flexibility training, is the perfect midlife movement. 🙌🏻
Yes - run if you love to run. Yes - bike if you love to bike. Do all the things you love to do. But, make sure you bring yoga into the mix of your activities.
Because this is not the time to quietly head to Restorative Yoga and forget about all of those yoga goals you once wanted to achieve.
This is the time to after them.
And, when you do you'll receive all of the benefits that a yoga practice will gift to you, such as:
- Movement that actually lowers cortisol and helps you stand in the middle of whatever storm is taking place in your life and respond vs. react. (A totally different way to live!)
- Gain confidence in what your body CAN do and accomplish. (You're going to be so stinkin' proud of yourself when you fly in an arm balance for the first time or turn yourself upside down in an inversion.)
- Gaining strength in ways that will support you as you age. (Strong IS the new skinny - woot!)
- Maintaining mobility and flexibility, so you can continue to do the things you love to do for longer. (Because I don't know about you, but I still want to hike up the mountain when I'm in my 80s!!)
So, roll out your yoga mat a couple of times this week and begin to notice the difference in how you feel.
So many woman say during these years they feel less and less like themselves.
Let yoga lead you back to YOU and empower you in your life on and off your yoga mat.
I promise when you start to deepen your back bend, or find float in an arm balance or inversion your will feel like the super hero you already are...
And, the rest of life becomes much... easier.
See you in class soon!
Big Hugs,
Tori ♡
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