The 10 Year Check-In
Aug 17, 2024I was confronted with the thought this week that who I was ten years ago would be so, so proud of where I am now.
"Is that true?" I thought.
From the outside you might believe there was little growth. Ten years ago, at thirty-seven years old, I was teaching yoga. And, I still teach yoga today.
But, when I look at the picture of the woman I was at thirty-seven, SO much has changed.
She would be so wow-ed by how life has led me to teaching yoga online, of all places.
And, that I have my own yoga studio in my home.
Because that woman practically lived at the local studios. And, was at the whim of whatever was happening there.
If the concept of the studio changed, or the ownership, or schedule was shifting, I had to take the ride.
And, it was a good ride. Don't get me wrong.
But, life is so much better now when it comes to my career.
And, ten years ago I had a very different group of friends.
Gossip was the norm. Splitting bottles of wine was the norm. Never feeling like I could completely trust my friend group was the norm, too.
But, now my friendships center around conversations about ideas, books we read, and chatting about what we're working on or dreaming about working towards. They focus on supporting each other and wanting the best for each other. And, so much coffee!
Also, there's more love and laughter in my marriage than ever before. And, more purpose and gratitude within the hours of each day.
Life has improved greatly in ten years.
And, my yoga practice? Me from ten years ago would be so thrilled to see that I'm working on Handstand and that I have actual strength in my practice to do some pretty cool things.
So, enough about me... how about YOU?
Go find a picture of yourself from ten years ago.
Take a look at that version of you and thank yourself for all of the work you've done to get to be the person you are today.
Close your eyes and mentally give that person a big hug.
You made it. You created something for yourself that was beyond your wildest dreams just ten years ago.
And, if you can't say that, let this be the shake-up you need.
Ten years from now, if you took out a picture of yourself today, what do you want to be able to tell that person?
Where did you go and what did you do? Who do you now hang out with? What does your yoga practice look like?
Dream big and know that it's all possible.
If you can dream it, then it was meant for you in some way.
I love this quote from Tony Robbins:
"Most people overestimate what they can do in a year and they underestimate what they can do in two or three decades."
What do you want to create in this life? How do you want to feel in another ten years?
You can do this. I believe in you, your purpose and your dreams.
Big Hugs,
Tori ♡