Get rid of the 'or' in your yoga practice
Oct 04, 2024It happened to me the other day. I was about move into my yoga room to work through my daily inversion practice and the thought popped into my head, "You could do your handstand work, or you could make a cup of coffee and chill with your book."
I laughed to myself. It's been almost 20-years of practicing yoga and I still have that push, pull to step on my yoga mat and move!
But, I made a deal with myself a long time ago, that 'or' doesn't belong in my yoga practice.
'Or' pops up again and again. You can always do something else besides yoga that seems more attractive, or 'fun.'
But, when you ditch the 'or' for good, that's when things get really good and your practice takes off.
Here are some common 'or's and the reason that choice over your yoga practice is not in any way better:
1. I can do yoga, or I can have fun.
This one makes me laugh a bit because I absolutely guarantee you that if you move through your yoga practice (even 10-minutes of practice!) you will have more fun, than if you didn't.
You will feel grounded in your body and more open through your joints. Your muscles won't feel tight and constricted. And, you will have taken time to get in your right headspace. You'll be more lighthearted, having taken the time to release stress from your body and your mind.
You will have more fun with whatever the activity will be, if you practice your yoga first. Promise.
2. I can do yoga, or I can relax.
Wow, do I get this and have fallen for this 'or' before SO many times.
Let's get this straight. Yoga is the best way to relax.
Moving through your asana practice, increases your blood flow to the "crunchy" or tired parts of your body.
Through breathing techniques (pranayama) your are shifting your nervous system from "fight or flight" (sympathetic nervous system) responses to the more relaxed response of "rest and digest" (parasympathetic nervous system) responses.
Yoga also lowers your heart rate and blood pressure and releases endorphins.
Netflix? It does none of these things for you.
Remember that next time this 'or' pops up... because it certainly will.
3. I can do yoga, or spend time with my family or friends.
This 'or' is a tough one. But, here's what I know for sure: My husband doesn't really want to hang around me when I haven't practiced.
I'm so far from my best self when I haven't sat for my morning meditation, and moved through my asana practice.
You will enjoy your family and friends more and they will also enjoy you.
4. I can do yoga, or I can catch up on work.
Priorities, right? You do need to make money and I understand that.
But, when you practice yoga, you shift your mind from distracted thoughts to hone in what's important.
Whenever I practice yoga, I am ridiculously productive, make quicker decisions, and am able to roll through my stack of work and meetings with an ease that simply isn't there if I haven't.
So, this week I want you to watch when the 'or' of your yoga practice creeps up on you.
Hear what it has to say, laugh it off, and roll out your yoga mat.
You will be so glad that you did.
There are more gifts that come from practicing regularly, than not.
And, doing an activity that makes you feel good can only light up every other area of your life.
I'll see you in class this week!
Big Hugs,
Tori ♡